The Most Dangerous Book Ever Published : Deadly Deception Exposed! (9788793987210)
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." George Orwell. In seventy-eight essays, seven prominent social critics question everything from government authority to COVID-19 in what has been called, "the most dangerous book ever published." This thought-provoking and empowering, even "criminal," anthology is a major challenge to the establishment, the ruling oligarchy, or whatever we choose to call the deep state, central planners, and mega-criminals who set and control global narratives. Readers are presented with an array of "forbidden" subjects and in-depth analyses that pull the rug underneath the elite and expose the lies that constitute the matrix. Among others, this book documents and casts light on: - Washington's deadly pursuit of hegemony camouflaged as the "War on Terror" and "spreading democracy." - The erosion of legal principles and elimination of civil and human rights under the...