
Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2020

Seine Werke (3895392472)

In diesen Bänden sind Nikola Teslas Vorträge, Aufzeichnungen, Patente, Artikel enthalten, seine Autobiographie und die handgeschriebenen Aufzeichnungen (u.a. Todesstrahlen, Vakuumpumpe, Energiegewinnung und Umwandlung, Erschaffung von Seebeben ...). Er hat dieses Werk nicht als Buch konzipiert, vielmehr hat der Verlag seine verschiedenen Aufzeichnungen, Vorträge, Artikel, Skizzen thematisch zusammengetragen, sodass jeder Band der Nikola Tesla Ausgabe einen Themenschwerpunkt hat. Product details Format Hardback | 1275 pages Dimensions 149 x 218 ...

How To Make Someone Obsessed With You (9781387151028)

You've witnessed the power that obsession has over people. People will do anything for someone they are obsessed with. Fans will travel across the world to see a celebrity they are obsessed with. A person will become a slave to someone they are obsessed with. Many people are immune to subtle signs of manipulation. The only thing people are not immune to, is falling in love, and obsession. A person obsessed with you, is a person under your control. Scarlett Kennedy uncovers the real causes of obsession, how to take advantage of it, the common types of people in the world, and how you can make them obsessed with you. Because not one size fits all. Scarlett also creates personality profiles for her targets and documents what has worked and what hasn't worked. As well as the dangers of holding all the power in your hands. Product details Format ...

The Chief Data Officer Handbook for Data Governance (9781583474174)

A practical guide for today's chief data officers to define and manage data governance programs The relatively new role of chief data officer (CDO) has been created to address the issue of managing a company's data as a strategic asset, but the problem is that there is no universally accepted "playbook" for this role. Magnifying the challenge is the rapidly increasing volume and complexity of data, as well as regulatory compliance as it relates to data. In this book, Sunil Soares provides a practical guide for today's chief data officers to manage data as an asset while delivering the trusted data required to power business initiatives, from the tactical to the transformative. The guide describes the relationship between the CDO and the data governance team, whose task is the formulation of policy to optimize, secure, and leverage information as an enterprise asset by aligning the objectives of multiple functions. Soares provides unique insight into the role of ...

Understanding Contemporary Music : A Teaching Manual for Secondary and Primary School Teachers (9789629962142)

The teaching kit is designed and written by local music experts and educators to encourage the learning and appreciation of 20th century music among students in Hong Kong. It consists of 15 modules supported by a selection of musical examples and a list of recommended recordings, all by renowned composers, for listening. In addition, each module is accompanied with a range of classroom activities, all carefully designed to help students develop their music skills, creativity and other skills such as critical thinking, collaboration, communication and IT skills. The teaching kit comes with two audio CDs and one VCD as musical demonstration. Both English and Chinese versions of the teaching kit are available. Product details Format Paperback | 80 pages ...

The Chief Data Officer Handbook for Data Governance (9781583474174)

A practical guide for today's chief data officers to define and manage data governance programs The relatively new role of chief data officer (CDO) has been created to address the issue of managing a company's data as a strategic asset, but the problem is that there is no universally accepted "playbook" for this role. Magnifying the challenge is the rapidly increasing volume and complexity of data, as well as regulatory compliance as it relates to data. In this book, Sunil Soares provides a practical guide for today's chief data officers to manage data as an asset while delivering the trusted data required to power business initiatives, from the tactical to the transformative. The guide describes the relationship between the CDO and the data governance team, whose task is the formulation of policy to optimize, secure, and leverage information as an enterprise asset by aligning the objectives of multiple functions. Soares provides unique insight into the role of ...

Das Schwarzbuch des Kommunismus. Bd.1 : Unterdrückung, Verbrechen und Terror. Mit d. Kap. 'Aufarbeitung des Sozialismus in der DDR' v. Joachim Gauck u. Ehrhart Neubert (3492040535)

"Das Schwarzbuch des Kommunismus" löste bei seinem Erscheinen in Frankreich heftige Diskussionen aus und stand wochenlang auf Platz 1 der Bestsellerlisten. Es zieht eine grausige Bilanz des Kommunismus, der prägenden Idee unserer Zeit. 80 Millionen Tote, so rechnen die Autoren vor, hat die Vision von der klassenlosen Gesellschaft gekostet, mehr als der Nationalsozialismus zu verantworten hat. Mit dieser These lösten die Autoren eine beispiellose Voraus-Debatte aus, die ihren Niederschlag in zahlreichen deutschen Zeitungen gefunden hat. "'Das Schwarzbuch des Kommunismus' ist nicht nur eine Chronik der Verbrechen, sondern auch eine Unglücksgeschichte jener 'willigen Helfer'im Westen, die sich 90 Jahre lang blind und taub machten", schrieb die Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. In einem speziellen Kapitel für die deutsche Ausgabe schreiben Joachim Gauck und Ehrhart Neubert über den Kommunismus in der DDR. Product de...

Eine Geburtstagstorte fur die Katze (3789161705)

Jedes Mal wenn seine Katze Geburtstag hat, backt der alte Pettersson ihr eine Pfannkuchentorte. Und er muss oft backen, denn Findus, so heißt der Kater, hat nicht wie jedes normale Tier einmal, sondern gleich dreimal im Jahr Geburtstag. Weil das lustiger ist. Aber an einem Geburtstag, als Pettersson kein Mehl mehr in der Speisekammer findet und mit dem Rad ins Dorf fahren will, um welches zu kaufen, geht alles schief... Wie Findus an diesem Tag doch noch zu seiner Geburtstagstorte kommt und zu Kaffee und Wiener Walzer auf dem Grammofon dazu - das wird erst im Bilderbuch verraten. Product details For ages 4+ Format Hardback | 26 pages ...

My Bible Stories: David and Goliath (1848987188)

One of a new series of popular stories from the Bible presented with beautiful, traditional illustrations. The perfect introduction for young children, these books will be a treasured keepsake. Find out what happened when an ordinary boy took on the mighty Goliath warrior- and won. Product details For ages 3-5 Format Hardback | 24 pages Dimensions 3 x 6 x 10.16mm ...

Basiswissen Musik : FuR Den Unterricht an Allgemeinbildenden Schulen (3795708117)

Dieses Buch beinhaltet einfach alles, was man über Musik wissen muss: Musik- und Formenlehre, Musikgeschichte einschließlich Jazz, Rock und Pop, Instrumentenkunde sowie Informationen zu Musik und Medien. Die Inhalte wurden so aufbereitet, dass sich die Texte besonders gut zum Lernen und Memorieren eignen. Gleichzeitig ist das Buch als Nachschlagewerk bestens geeignet. "Basiswissen Musik" richtet sich an alle, die gerne mehr über Musik erfahren möchten. Es kann im Musikunterricht ab Klasse 7 eingesetzt werden und unterstützt in der Mittel- und Oberstufe das Entstehen einer sicheren Wissensbasis. Die Hybrid-CD bietet im Audio-Teil zahlreiche Hörbeispiele. Der ROM-Teil bietet Kurzanalysen, praktische Übungen und Vertiefungswissen. Product details Format Paperback | 144 ...

Doing Quantitative Research in Education : with SPSS (0761943838)

This book provides an introduction to using quantitative methods in educational research. The author writes for non-mathematical students, avoiding the use of mathematical formulae wherever possible. No prior knowledge of quantitative methods is needed to use this book. The author's approach features * a realistic approach, using actual databases * an emphasis on the use of effect sizes * a user-friendly approach, based on the latest version of SPSS throughout. The use of two real educational datasets keeps the content relevant, and shows students the imperfections and problems which they will meet in real-life research. The datasets use common international measures and access to the datasets, allowing students to practice and answer the questions that follow each chapter, is available though the book website. This book is for researchers and students studying research methods in education. It is suitable as a main textbook for quantitative methods courses, as well as a resource f...

HBR's 10 Must Reads on Strategic Marketing (with featured article "Marketing Myopia," by Theodore Levitt) (1422189880)

NEW from the bestselling HBR's 10 Must Reads series. Stop pushing products--and start cultivating relationships with the right customers. If you read nothing else on marketing that delivers competitive advantage, read these 10 articles. We've combed through hundreds of articles in the Harvard Business Review archive and selected the most important ones to help you reinvent your marketing by putting it--and your customers--at the center of your business. Leading experts such as Ted Levitt and Clayton Christensen provide the insights and advice you need to: * Figure out what business you're really in * Create products that perform the jobs people need to get done * Get a bird's-eye view of your brand's strengths and weaknesses * Tap a market that's larger than China and India combined * Deliver superior value to your B2B customers * End the war between sales and marketing Looking for more Must Read articles from Harvard Business Review? Check out these title...

Multiscale Modeling of Degradation in Lithium-Ion Batteries (9783832549275)

This book provides a comprehensive methodology for multiscale simulation of degradation in lithium-ion batteries. The work helps to understand battery degradation processes by revealing complex multiscale effects, which cannot be taken into account by single-scale models. A novel numerical method is presented, which dynamically couples molecular models based on kinetic Monte Carlo method with macroscopic models. Moreover, the work provides mathematical models of degradation on various length scales, e.g. heterogeneous side reactions on molecular scale and the restructuring of particle size distributions on electrode scale. Instead of describing processes separately, the multiscale methodology systematically analyzes interaction of degradation processes and cell operation. The presented methodology is certainly applicable to other electrochemical systems with considerable multi-scale nature. Product details ...

Toast, Panini & Co. : Die besten Rezepte (3898836665)

Panini, Tramezzini, Crostini oder Bruschetta, Bagel, Club Sandwich oder Croque: Belegte Brote, liebevoll gestapelt, verziert, getoastet oder gebacken gehören zu den leckeren Lieblingen überall auf der Welt! Denn sie sind einfach ideale Kumpels für unterwegs, passen in jede Lunchbox und machen als Snack oder als kleine warme Mahlzeit ordentlich satt. Die besten einfachen Rezepte mit Wow-Faktor gibt es in "Toast, Panini & Co." - mit vielen simplen Klassikern, aber auch neu interpretiert, mal trendy, mal gesund. Und damit jeder richtig stapelt, gibt es zu jedem Rezept ein Foto. Product details Format Paperback | 128 pages Dimensions ...

Weil ich dich zum Fressen gern hab : Rezepte für Eroberer, die ihre Angebetete nicht nur kulinarisch verführen möchten (3895554952)

Sie würden Ihre Herzdame gern zum Abendessen einladen (nach ein paar gemeinsamen Ausgeh-Abenden wird es nun Zeit für ein "Heimspiel")? Sie haben vom Kochen nicht die leiseste Ahnung, möchten jedoch keinesfalls Ihre Mutter anrufen (die würde zu viele Fragen stellen)? Ihre Küchenaustattung ist überschaubar (na ja, bisher war der Dosenöffner Ihr bester Freund)? Sie möchten schon Eindruck bei ihr schinden (Frauen stehen nun mal auf Männer, die kochen können)?Dann müssen Sie dieses Buch haben! Mehr als 50 Rezepte für Küchenneulinge mit hohen Erfolgsaussichten - nicht nur was das Gelingen, sondern auch die Eroberung der Angebeteten betrifft. Product details Format Paperback | 160 pages ...

Cruel and Unusual : Scarpetta 4 (9781416505402)

"A knockout" (People) of a thriller from #1 New York Times bestselling author Patricia Cornwell featuring medical examiner Kay Scarpetta. "Killing me won't kill the beast" are the last words of rapist-murderer Ronnie Joe Waddell, written four days before his execution. But they can't explain how medical examiner Dr. Kay Scarpetta finds Waddell's fingerprints on another crime scene--after she'd performed his autopsy. If this is some sort of game, Scarpetta seems to be the target. And if the next victim is someone she knows, the punishment will be cruel and unusual... Product details Format Paperback | 410 pages Dimensions ...

Hacker, Cracker, Datenrauber (3528058056)

Jeder, der moderne Kommunikationsmittel nutzt, vom PC bis zum Handy, hat Interesse daran, dass seine Daten nicht Freiwild fur andere werden. Dies gilt nicht nur fur geschaftliche Daten, sondern hier geht es auch um den Schutz der Privatsphare. Das Buch zeigt, worauf es ankommt. In klarer, lockerer Darstellung, nicht ohne Humor, durchweg aber mit viel Sachverstand und Uberblick. Product details Format Paperback | 280 pages Dimensions 169.93 x 244.09 x 15.24mm | ...

The AVR Microcontroller and Embedded Systems Using Assembly and C : Using Arduino Uno and Atmel Studio (0997925965)

The AVR microcontroller from Atmel (now Microchip) is one of the most widely used 8-bit microcontrollers. Arduino Uno is based on AVR microcontroller. It is inexpensive and widely available around the world. This book combines the two. In this book, the authors use a step-by-step and systematic approach to show the programming of the AVR chip. Examples in both Assembly language and C show how to program many of the AVR features, such as timers, serial communication, ADC, SPI, I2C, and PWM. The text is organized into two parts: 1) The first 6 chapters use Assembly language programming to examine the internal architecture of the AVR. 2) Chapters 7-18 uses both Assembly and C to show the AVR peripherals and I/O interfacing to real-world devices such as LCD, motor, and sensor. The first edition of this book published by Pearson used ATmega32. It is still available for purchase from Amazon. This new edition is based on Atmega328 and the Arduino Uno board. The appendices, source codes, tutor...